Visc D18: The ultimate cycling travel mod is available now

8:11/1018 Update:  This split frame modification is a special order project which we can do on a few models of bike, and which I have on my personal Visc D18..  It is a nice way to fit a 20" bike into a 62" Airline measure suitcase and have it ready to ride with a minimum of effort.  I have been using it myself for 3 years now with no problems.  However, the modification does require specific suitcases - specifically long slender ones.  Many 62" measure suitcases come to their volume by being wider and shorter.  These suitcases do not work with the "split frame" system.  They do generally work however with the "wheels off" method.  The wheels off method is good to learn.  Does not require bike modification or cost, and works with more suitcases in general.  I will outline this method in a separate post.

Split Frame System:  This has been a fun and functional project for me.  Below you can see The Visc D18 Bike in front of the specially reinforced Normal Checkin Size: 31" Spinner Suitcase.  I have modified the bike to be able compress down to nearly 2/3 of its "folded shipping size" and fit in the suitcase.  Adventures will follow for me and for you!

Suitcase packable 20" bikes are available from Nomadic Inc. by special order.  Models we can update include the Visc D18 and Mariner D8.  Additional bikes can also be suitcase legal sizing packed via different methods but the system below provides the best application to the most standard suitcase sizing.

Visc Suitcase on Wood small

There are a few tricks to the process, but one of the great ones is the fact that the bike fits with the Rear Wheel still on the chainline and attached to the rear frame section.  This means it is working as a unit and much easier to setup at the other end of your travels.

Functional elements:

Quick Release Hinge Pin:

Seen directly below.  This Hinge Pin is a style which allows easy insertion and alignment of the hinge from top or bottom.

Quick Release Pedals:

Also seen below (inserted).  QR pedals make for the most compact package.  We like the well machined and functional MKS pedals.

Cable System stays intact w/ Rear section:

Only one "quick release" is required for the frame and one for the front brake cable, making the system very quick to both take-a-part and to build.

Visc TAP Pin Small

Find out more and and consider ordering the Visc + Suitcase here.

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